By Scott Buckner
I have this theory about how TV shows which aren’t spinoffs of something else are developed. It goes something like this: A guy comes up with a brilliant idea and spends a year or three (even longer if he has a day job or a relationship) developing and refining the concept, the characters, the treatments, an actual script, and whatever-else have you for the pilot show. It’s hilarious, the network suits love it, so they all sign a deal and tell him to go home and come up with a dozen more scripts.
Soon enough, it dawns on him what has just happened. So he sits back, stares blankly at his shoes and says, “Oh, shit. Now what?”
I think that’s what happened with The Knights of Prosperity, the show about a bumbling crew of people so sick of their stations in life that they dream up a plan to rob Mick Jagger and/or his apartment. They’re not yet entirely clear which, so neither am I. I missed the show last week, so I thought maybe Natasha Julius was woozy from her two-week juice fast to comment so harshly about Knights in the Beachwood’s mid-season review, but you clearly don’t need animal protein to see that this show has quickly turned into a disappointingly unfunny show just like everything else that passes for comedy on ABC.
Posted on January 18, 2007