Chicago - A message from the station manager

And Then There’s Maude: Episode 6

By Kathryn Ware

Our tribute to the 35th anniversary of the debut of Maude continues.
Season 1, Episode 6
Episode Title: The Ticket
Original airdate: 17 Oct 1972
Plot: Maude tries to get out of a speeding ticket by racing into her home before the motorcycle cop can catch her. Try as she might, Maude can’t talk, argue or yell her way out of the ticket. Having the cop tote her groceries inside, telling him she really has to pee, calling him honey, baby and pussycat face – nothing works.
Maude now has enough moving violations to have her license suspended, a thought that strikes fear into the Findlay household; no one wants to be responsible for carting Maude around town and the last thing Florida wants is to be stuck with Maude at home all day. Arthur knows someone who knows someone and offers to “fix” the ticket but Maude will hear nothing of it. She wants her day in court. Right on Maude!

She gets it, appearing before Judge Motorman, who does everything short of wink-wink-nudge-nudge to let Maude know that the ticket has been taken care of. Maude, upstanding citizen that she is, refuses loudly. No amount of begging and pleading from the judge to let him do this favor for a friend will sway Maude.
The cop takes the stand to testify. First the judge tries to coerce the officer into changing his story. Maude succeeds in reducing the cop to a whining child by treating him like one, referring to him repeatedly as “baby face” and “pussycat.” The episode concludes with Maude winning her innocence, leaving behind a very unhinged cop and judge. Her final act is to ask the bailiff to pay her outstanding tickets, bribing him with an extra five bucks to do her the favor.
Hot button social issue: Justice for all and favors for none.
Fashion statement: Maude wears a gray wool cape trimmed with three-inch fringe. Arthur sports a silk scarf around his neck as part of his golfing getup.
Neckerchief count: Two, including the one worn by Arthur.
Welcome back to 1972 pop culture reference: Maude tells the cop she’s been “shopping all day for food values” at four supermarkets: Bohacks, Big Bear (both defunct), A&P and something called Fin-est (??) And yet she comes home with just two grocery bags. She’s some value shopper!
Number of times Maude yells: Five.
’70s slang: Florida refers to the cop as “The Man.”
Memorable quote: “That’s it? Biff, bam, goodbye ma’am?”
Keep an eye out for: Vincent Gardenia as judge Motorman.

Season 1, Episode 1: Maude’s Problem.
Season 1, Episode 2: Doctor, Doctor.
Season 1, Episode 3: Maude Meets Florida.
Season 1, Episode 4: Like Mother, Like Daughter.
Season 1, Episode 5: Maude and the Radical.


Posted on September 21, 2007