Chicago - Mar. 20, 2025 A message from the station manager

The Beachwood Radio Sports Hour #71: Kiddie Kubs Get Playoff Audition

By Jim Coffman and Steve Rhodes

Invited to cute play-in game. Plus: Inside Coach Coffman’s Castle; The Immorality Of Daily Fantasy And Their Native Radio Announcer Advertising Tools; Jerry Reinsdorf’s Pet Cemetery; The Ridiculous Resurrection Of Jay Cutler; The Bulls Are Back Dragging D-Rose’s Baggage Around; and the Positive Coaching Alliance.

* Ron Yary.
* The Fearsome Foursome.
* The Purple People Eaters.
* The Doomsday Defense.
* Israel Idonije!
* Henry Burris was No. 10.
1:50: Kiddie Kubs Get Playoff Audition.
* Are The Cubs Better Off Playing The Wild-Card Game On The Road? No. Not even close.
* Les the Beer Vendor.
* No more second-guessing.
* Olney: Pirates Must Change Approach Against Arrieta, And Must Work On It Now.
* Jesse Rogers: Cubs’ Achilles Heel: Getting Runners Home From Third.
* 2013: Gov. Kasich Backs Cincinnati Reds During MLB Playoff Push.
* In River North on Tuesday: “Before sitting down to eat, Kasich, who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, also criticized Major League Baseball’s one-game wild-card playoff format – which could feature his Pirates and the Cubs.

“How ridiculous is it that these two teams, in all likelihood, Pittsburgh and Chicago, will play one lousy game? It’s time to change this. This is an outrage,” he said.

* And Dusty’s not even there anymore:

* Coming Soon: Instant Cup-O-Game Seven.
20:35: Inside The Coffman Sports Castle.
* Noah’s Ark.
15:18: Fantasy Sports Radio Is The Worst.
* Is this okay, Matt Spiegel?

* Everyone wants a piece of the action – at your expense:

33:20: The Cubs Only Payroll Limit Is Their Own Greed.
34:56: The Ridiculous Resurrection Of Jay Cutler.
* If he’s the answer, you’re asking the wrong question.
* The worse a team is, the more valuable Jay Cutler will be!
* Bears wore out their punter, may miss Raiders game.
* Phil Simms, everybody:

* Jerry Reinsdorf’s pet cemetery:

47:10: The Bulls Are Back, Dragging D-Rose’s Baggage All Around The Court!
* Derrick Rose’s Week So Far: Money, Sex And Surgery.
* Bulls Sign Stefhon Hannah.
* Telander: Chicago’s Own Stefhon Hannah Gets A Chance With The Bulls.
58:25: The Positive Coaching Alliance.


For archives and other Beachwood shows, see The Beachwood Radio Network.

Comments welcome.


Posted on October 2, 2015