By The Beachwood Olympic Events Affairs Desk
In all the hubbub last week about the city “putting some skin in the game,” the media overlooked a separate agreement reached by local officials and the United States Olympic Committee to Chicagoize the games should they come to our fair city. The Beachwood Olympic Affairs Desk, however, has learned the basic outlines of what’s in store.
* Biathalon: Will consist of 1) Finding a legal free parking space near Wrigley Field and 2) The 5K run from the parking space to the ballpark. In the 10K version, participants will run with cash and try to make it through the grabby Aldermen obstacle course.
* Boxing: Will be replaced by Big-Boxing, wherein participants duke it out in city council trying alternately to block or allow the opening of a West Side Wal-Mart. (Rejected by USOC: Competitive boxing and disposal of shredded aldermanic documents.)
* Demonstration Event: The CTA Burning Tunnel Stair Climb.
* Canoeing: Becomes Condoing. From campaign donation to permit processing to final shoddy construction, new world records are expected to be set.
Posted on March 12, 2007