By Mike Luce
We will hear a great deal this weekend about the “so-and-so ranked offense battling against the nation’s such-and-such defense.” Ignore this data. Every college football team in the nation has played only two, at most three, games. Do we care that Kansas is third in total yards on offense or that Ryan Mallet (QB, Arkansas) is the country’s top passer? No.
This week, I am only focusing on a few pieces of information. First, I am looking for road favorites playing decent opponents. Second, can we identify any teams that might be a bit overrated? I am thinking of good teams that have played well, yet could find themselves looking too far ahead. Keeping giddy 20-somethings focused on the task at hand may be the least-discussed aspect of coaching.
Finally . . . does the home team have a prayer? I mean, really. Theories are fun, but I’d rather not pick a bust. As always, the following is for entertainment purposes only.
Posted on September 24, 2009