By Marty Gangler
If the 2011 Cubs season was a hand of hold ’em poker, you would have to say that Mike Quade was dealt a 9-4 off-suit.
For you people who don’t know poker, that is a lousy two-card hand.
Not as bad as, say, the Astros’ 7-2 off-suit, but a 9-4 is pretty bad. No matter what five community cards are on the table, it’s hard to make something out of 9-4 off-suit.
But in poker, as in life, as in baseball, there are always more than just the cards you are dealt. You have to play your hand and get creative with your bets, checks, calls, etc.
I mean, sure you can be happy just to be playing cards for a living seeing as how most schleps are breaking their backs for a paycheck or slowly killing themselves in a cube somewhere, but you are playing for high stakes and can’t just be happy to be there because you’ll get pantsed. And there are, unfortunately, no cash awards given to the nicest player at the table. If anything being the nicest guy at the poker table shows that you lack a killer instinct, a full understanding of what you are dealing with, or a poker face – which in poker is kind of important.
So yeah, I’m talking about my once-loved (by me) manager Mike Quade. There is nothing wrong with being a good guy and believing in your players, but you have to know that when you are holding a 9-4 off-suit in a big pot, Albert Pujols is calling your bluff, your table presence is for shit and big Al came to play some cards.
Posted on June 6, 2011