By Marty Gangler
If you have kids in this day and age, you know the power of the DVR, on demand, and Netflix. Parents can play tantrum-saving cartoons at any second of the day.
I have boys seven and almost four, and we’ve found a good overlap with a show called Teen Titans. It’s a cartoon that has superheroes at its core, but it’s more about the day-to-day interaction of the teenish superheroes than actually stopping crime. And it’s silly and clever enough to not be horrendous to watch as a middle-aged man.
Okay, I’m getting to the Cubs tie-in. One of the characters is called Cyborg and he is, um, a cyborg – part machine and part man/boy or whatever. And Cyborg was feeling bad about not having a pet, so he befriended a machine that was once an enemy called Pain Bot. And as much as he tried to reform Pain Bot, it just didn’t work; the only thing Pain Bot knows how to say is, “All I know is pain.” And that’s what it felt like to be a Cub Fan this week. All we know is pain. How about that ninth-inning loss to the Cardinals when they were down to their last strike? All I know is pain. Or how about losing that game to the White Sox despite drawing seven walks by not scoring a single run to lose 1-0? All I know is pain. And while we are at it, how about all those years you’ve been alive as a Cub fan? All I know is pain.
Posted on July 13, 2015