Chicago - A message from the station manager

Tweeting The ABC7 GOP Debate

By Steve Rhodes

Where has last night’s Kirk Dillard been? Trying to win the last election instead of this one by throwing too much red meat to his party’s right-wing even as he touts his long-ago job as Jim Edgar’s chief of staff. Dillard is clearly the most palatable of the GOP candidates and clearly the one who could most plausibly be a relatively decent governor if only he could get elected. He’s been our frontrunner from the start, despite the Rauner hype. Too bad Rauner’s money bought the media’s attention.

Rauner clearly had the worst night last night, refusing several times to answer questions (as he has his whole campaign) and appearing wan. Bill Brady and Dan Rutherford came off well as informed legislators with ideas and agendas, but less up to the task than Dillard.
Which isn’t to say any of them looks like they could beat Pat Quinn right now, which is an utterly remarkable statement to type. Four more bumbling years in the Land of Lincoln.
Also a loser last night: The media moderators. As usual. Think up original questions and stick to them. And don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions. You don’t have to get to everything. The night shouldn’t be scripted like a TV show – or your news broadcasts. Also, do your damn homework.












Comments welcome.


Posted on February 28, 2014