Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Lone Daley Dissenter

By The Beachwood Lonely Dissenter Affairs Desk

Ald. Billy Ocasio cast the lone vote against Mayor Daley’s budget. Here he is explaining why.

[- Via Newsalert via Progress Illinois via WTTW]

A few fun facts.
* Billy Ocasio has not heretofore been known as an independent on the council. He is, after all, a Daley appointee. As one wag put it to me, maybe he drew the short straw among aldermen who wanted to say something but were too scared.
At any rate, check out his hat.
* On the other hand, the Reader said in its aldermanic capsule that Ocasio was “showing signs of gumption.”
* “Alderman Billy Ocasio is not a regular politician,” he claims in his website bio. “He is a product of this community who decided to devote his life to the improvement of his neighborhood. Alderman Ocasio is guided by the principles he learned from his hard-working immigrant parents, by an unbounded commitment to justice, freedom and equality, and by the common sense of the workingman. Alderman Ocasio is a man of few words, but of many deeds.
* Is it just a coincidence that – as of this writing – the city’s official website of the 26th Ward is”experiencing temporary technical difficulties?” We think not. There are no coincidence in Chicago politics.


Posted on November 28, 2008