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Obama’s Favorite Weapon


President Barack Obama has received much credit for drawing down American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, but less attention has been paid to his administration’s embrace of armed drones.
His expansion of covert drone strikes goes far beyond that of former President George W. Bush, and has blurred the line between warfare and assassination.
The classified processes used by the White House for approving these remote killings in foreign countries – countries which the U.S. is not officially at war with – has people questioning not only the Obama administration’s tactics, but also the collateral damage of civilian casualties left in its wake.

Armed Drones: President Obama's Weapon of Choice [INFOGRAPHIC]

* Drones Not Just For Threats Against America Anymore.
* Why Obama Says He Won’t Release Drone Documents.
* Obama’s Drone Death Figures Don’t Add Up.
* Dissecting Obama’s Standards On Drone Strike Deaths.
* The Best Watchdog Journalism On Obama’s National Security Policies.
* Everything You Wanted To Know About Drones But Were Afraid To Ask.
* Obama Claims Right To Kill Anyone Anytime.
* The Drone War Doctrine We Still Know Nothing About.
* How Does The U.S. Mark Unidentified Men In Pakistan And Yemen As Drone Targets?
* Hearts, Minds And Dollars: Condolence Payments In The Drone Strike Age.
* Boy’s Death In Drone Strike Tests Obama’s Transparency Pledge.
* Does The U.S. Pay Families When Drones Kill Innocent Yemenis?
* Confirmed: Obama’s Drone War Is Illegal And Immoral.
* Six Months After Obama Promised To Divulge More On Drones, Here’s What We Still Don’t Know.
* One Month After Drones Report, Administration Still Fails To Explain Killings.
* What If A Drone Strike Hit An American Wedding?
* Jon Langford’s “Drone Operator” Debuts Again.
* Confirmed: American Bombs Killing Civilians In Yemen.
* Exclusive: Obama’s Afghan Drone War.
* Obama’s Dishonest Drone Legacy: A Cavalcade Of Absurd Lies About Civilian Deaths.

Comments welcome.


Posted on July 8, 2016