Chicago - Mar. 17, 2025 A message from the station manager

Daley’s Advice To Gary

By The Chicago/Gary Regional Affairs Desk

Former Chicago mayor and managerial whiz Richard M. Daley has been “tapped” by the city of Gary to help dig itself out of its decades-long doldrums.
The Beachwood, of course, has an exclusive preview of what Daley’s recommendations will be.

* Find a way to get Chicago taxpayers to help fund your airport. Oops, already did!
Now bulldoze the airport and build a park!
* Hire this man to revamp your employment practices.
* Curb violence by stashing guns up people’s butts.
* Use tax incentives to lure Foxconn to town.
* The Gary Bears!
* Millennium Dunes.
* Taste of Gary.
* Change name to New Gary!
* Convert the closed steel mills to scrooten factories.
* Lease itself to Morgan Stanley.
* Construct a building taller than 12 floors.
* Ghost workers and ghost candidates for a ghost town!
* Improve relations with the Mob.
* Pension reform.

Comments welcome.


Posted on September 27, 2012