Chicago - A message from the station manager

TribEye Special

By The Beachwood Light Me On Fire Affairs Desk

The new editor of theTribune, Gerould Kern, has named Jane Hirt, editor of RedEye, his managing editor. Yes, that’s right: the editor of RedEye – who as far as I can tell has never been a reporter – is now the managing editor of the Chicago Tribune.
Here are some other changes the new Tribune management team has in store:
* Editorial board replaced by the cast of The Hills.
* Editor of Streetwise new director of circulation.
* New texting-based style guide eliminating vowels will help shave newsprint costs.

* Instead of offering daycare, new Trib employees can enroll in day care themselves.
* The Trib will save money by replacing the vehicle fleet with skateboards.
* The Trib will save money by shrinking the TV grid, eliminating the History Channel, Discovery, C-Span and PBS.
* Tribune will now take summers off to get in some “me” time.
* Alumni Tribune edition, to be marketed to seniors.
* New features editor: Billy Dec.
* Investigative unit replaced by Trixie Team.
* Tribune stories will now be only as long as Twitter allows.
* Zell buys CTA as an investment in his new core readership.
* Quotes from unfamiliar artists like Bob Dylan to be removed from Zell team’s newsroom posters and memos.
* Two reporters, a blogger, a photographer and a web producer to be assigned to the new Pete Wentz beat.
* Paper will shrink in size by eliminating all news that could be construed as “depressing.”
* Feature section to be written totally in emoticons. Like, totally.
* New sports feature: Which team has the hottest fans?
* All business beats eliminated; reporters now assigned to malls.
* New metro columnist: John Cusack.

Suggestions welcome!


Posted on August 21, 2008