By The Beachwood Pueblo Affairs Desk
Tornado, earthquake, flood, wildfire – an emergency, natural or man-made, can happen anytime. No one wants to think it could happen to them, but if it does, the emergency will probably be less scary if you’ve taken some time to prepare. Spend a few minutes planning how you’ll communicate with family members, deciding where you’ll go if you need to leave home, and gathering supplies for an emergency kit. And use Preparing Makes Sense: Get Ready Now, a booklet from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Citizen Information Center, as a guide.
Its helpful checklists and straightforward tips will help you be prepared, not panicked, if an emergency does happen. For a copy, send your name, address, and a check or money order for 50ยข to the Federal Citizen Information Center, Dept. 323R, Pueblo, CO 81009. Or call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO, that’s 1 (888) 878-3256, and ask for Item 323R. Have your credit card handy. And visit to read or print this and hundreds of other FCIC publications for free.
With warm weather beckoning you to the beach or other fun summer locales, it’s time to brush up on some safety and travel tips from the Summer edition of the Consumer Information Catalog. It’s filled with a list of more than 200 free and low-cost publications that you’ve come to trust from the Federal Citizen Information Center. Here’s a sample of the publications you can find listed:
* Handout on Health: Sports Injuries (Item 502T, free).
Summertime is a great time to get active outside. Whether you’re playing kickball with the kids or joining a rec league, make sure you know how to treat and heal any bumps or bruises that you or they get while having fun outdoors.
* Looking for the Best Mortgage: Shop, Compare, Negotiate (Item 334T, $1.50).
If you’re in the market to buy a house, spend some time this summer learning how to save on a home loan. When it comes time to move, you’ll be glad you got the best deal.
* How to Maintain Your Tires (Item 595T, free).
Inflating, rotating and inspecting your tires will keep them in safe condition and save you money on gas and repairs. Understand proper inspection techniques before that summer road trip.
* Catch the Spirit: A Student’s Guide to Community Service (Item 501T, free).
School’s out and kids want to keep busy and have fun. Help them learn simple ways to give back to their community this summer or all year long while doing things they already love.
* National Trails System: Map and Guide (Item 111T, $3.00).
Make time for an affordable adventure this summer by hiking some of the historic and scenic trails that crisscross our country.
Don’t take that camping trip or head to the beach without ordering a Catalog to take along. There are three ways to get your free copy:
* Visit to order a Consumer Information Catalog or to read or print these and hundreds of other federal publications for free.
* Send your name and address to Catalog, Pueblo, Colorado 81009.
* Call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO. That’s 1 (888) 878-3256, weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
If you’re an active duty service member or the spouse of one, you know you face unique challenges when it comes to managing your money. How do you prepare financially for the inevitable change of duty station or for a deployment? Who pays the bills when a single service member is deployed? Should you buy or rent when you’ll probably move again in three years? Find the answers to these and other questions in Money and Mobility: For Military Personnel and Families, a free brochure from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, and the Federal Citizen Information Center. In it, you’ll find checklists for organizing your finances, explanations of the laws in place to help you, and tips to help you avoid money drains and stay out of debt. To order a copy, send your name and address to the Federal Citizen Information Center, Dept. 596T, Pueblo, CO 81009. Or call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO, that’s 1 (888) 878-3256, and ask for Item 596T. And visit to read or print this and hundreds of other FCIC publications for free.
Thanks to the variety of pain relief medications available today, your arthritis pain doesn’t have to prevent you from enjoying life. But what can you do to ensure your medicine is helping and not harming you? Read the free Managing Arthritis Pain package of publications from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Citizen Information Center to find out.
For your arthritis pain, your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever or tell you to buy one over-the-counter. No matter which medicine your doctor thinks is best, be sure to ask some important questions about it: How should I take it? What side effects should I watch for? What should I do if I miss a dose? Learn other questions to ask with the Managing Arthritis Pain package.
Before you’re prescribed a new medicine, make sure to tell your health care provider about the other medicines (prescription and over-the-counter) you’re taking. Your over-the-counter cold or flu medication might contain acetaminophen, and if you’re already taking a prescription pain reliever with acetaminophen, you risk damaging your liver.
It’s also good to get into the habit of reading the label of non-prescription pain relievers before you buy them. Note the recommended dose. Taking more than the amount recommended won’t relieve more pain, and taking a pain reliever longer than the recommended number of days may cause other problems. For instance, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can all cause bleeding in the intestines or stomach if taken too often. The Managing Arthritis Pain package can tell you more.
With the help of medications taken the right way, you can better manage your arthritis pain and stay healthy at the same time. There are three easy ways to order the free
Managing Arthritis Pain package:
* Send your name and address to Managing Arthritis Pain, Pueblo, Colorado 81009.
* Visit to place your order online or to read or print these and hundreds of other federal publications for free.
* Or call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO. That’s 1 (888) 878-3256, weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time, and ask for the Managing Arthritis Pain package.
Posted on June 4, 2009