Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Five Dumbest Ideas of The Week

By Stephanie B  Goldberg

1. Rescinding a woman’s invitation to sit behind Obama during a unity speech after learning she is wearing hijab. (Just think if McCain did that!)
Committed By: An unnamed and possibly unemployed cog in the Obama machine
2. Covering the death of Tim Russert for seven straight days.
Committed By: Howard Kurtz, Wolf Blitzer and everyone else in the Washington press corps.

3. Antagonizing PETA – and disgusting everyone else – by wearing a “Real Girls Eat Meat” T-shirt.
Committed By: Jessica Simpson.
4. Taking a job selling fire alarms door-to-door in the naive belief that you’re actually a reality show contestant with a shot at winning a million dollars.
Committed By: Innumerable college students who obviously believed every doorbell was really a hidden camera.
5. Spending $6 billion over three years to train the Afghan police but not bothering to develop a plan listing deadlines and interim goals.
Committed By: The United States Department of Defense, whose initiative has not produced one police unit “fully capable of performing its mission.”


Posted on June 20, 2008