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The Cook County Forest Preserve Has Trout Fishing!

By The Cook County Forest Preserve

The Forest Preserves of Cook County is pleased to announce that the fall trout fishing season starts at dawn on Saturday, October 19.
Catchable-sized rainbow trout (1/2 -1 lbs) will be stocked into Axehead Lake, Belleau Lake, Horsetail Lake, and, new this year, Busse Reservoir North Pool.
As part of the stocking process, from October 1 until dawn on October 19, fishing for and possession of any trout is illegal. In addition, the trout lakes will be closed to all fishing from Monday, October 14, until dawn on October 19. The lake closings allow the trout to disperse throughout the lakes prior to opening.

Once the season opens, there is a five-trout-per-day creel limit with no size restrictions.
No more than two lines per person with no more than two hooks per line may be used.
A valid Illinois sport fishing license with an Inland Trout Stamp is required for anglers 16 years of age and older. An Illinois sport fishing license is not required for Illinois residents who are disabled and have a State of Illinois disabled I.D. card showing a Class 2 or 2A disability or a Veterans Disability Card, and Illinois residents who are on active military duty and are home on leave.
The Forest Preserves will be purchasing and stocking roughly 1,000 pounds of rainbow trout for Horsetail Lake, while the Illinois Department of Natural Resources will be purchasing and stocking roughly 1,255 pounds of rainbow trout for Axehead Lake, 969 pounds of rainbow trout for Belleau Lake, and 1,600 pounds of rainbow trout for Busse Reservoir’s North Pool.
The Forest Preserve Fishing Guide lists all of the lakes and waters open to public fishing within the Forest Preserves of Cook County. The guide includes maps that show the location and depths of each lake, and list principal fish species.
The public can contact the Forest Preserves of Cook County’s Department of Resource Management, Fisheries Section at 708-403-6951 with any questions or for further information.

Trout Stocking, from 2011:

Comments welcome.


Posted on October 15, 2013