Chicago - A message from the station manager

QT: Plus Another 16,000 Words Or So

QT Digest of the Second Presidential Debate (for Your Convenience):
“. . . just isn’t true. . . not true. . . not true. . . is up. . . is down. . . no, it isn’t. . . it’s absolutely true. . . just not true. . . completely and totally wrong. . . that’s not true. . . .”
Twenty days to go.


News Headline: “Slain SEAL’s mom to Romney: Stop using my son.”
News Headline: “Slain ambassador’s father to Romney: Don’t exploit my son’s death.”
News Headline: “Soup kitchen head slams Ryan for staged photo op.”
News Headline: “Romney ad features coal miners required to attend event.”
To review:
Corporations are people.
People are props.

News Headline: “Queen Elizabeth’s plan to build low-income housing on her private estate.”
Some have praised this as an example of helping the poor.
But QT sees through it.
Talk about your socialist redistribution of wealth.
And isn’t it time we saw “Queen'” Elizabeth’s birth certificate?

News Headline: “Michelle Obama: ‘We are in the midst of a huge recovery.’ ”
Add hugeness to the list of things that aren’t what they used to be.
And T.R., a Homewood reader, regarding sports stories that refer to injured players ready to “resume baseball activities,” wants to know when did “playing baseball” become “baseball activities,” and when can we have “playing baseball” back?
And. . . .

News Headline: “Indian town blames rapes on consumption of chow mein.”
Is it too late to get this into the Republican platform?

The Not Me Decade, in Which Everybody Else Is Responsible for Everything, Continues:
A lawsuit filed in San Francisco claims damages not because the plaintiff tripped on a sidewalk curb but because a “curb on the sidewalk disrupted the motion of plaintiff’s foot.”

News Headline: “Second female Marine fails grueling infantry officer course.”
The story reminds us, but somewhat down the way, that the occasional male Marine fails these courses, also.

J.T., a Key West, Fla., reader, regarding QT readers’ finding enjoyment with variations on the title of a movie famous for the announcement of “Enough is enough!” by Samuel L. Jackson, writes:
“I have had it with you further mocking snakes on a plane!”

News Headline: “Early voting: Obama’s secret weapon?”
Well. Not anymore.

News Headline: “John Kerry, Obama’s sparring partner, rips into Mitt Romney before debate.”
Or let Kerry say it:
“His political posture and positions have shifted in erratic and startling ways, to the right, to the middle, to the right and shifting still. Mitt would say and do anything to close a deal–or an election.”
Then again, what do you expect from the–
No. Wait.
Those are the words of Walter De Vries, a longtime aide to the late George Romney.

News Item: Florida State Board of Education announces plan that sets lower achievement goals for black and Hispanic students.
Let’s be practical. If our nation doesn’t expect less of some groups, how will it ever keep them in their place?

QT What Passes for Miracles These Days Update:
An image of Jesus has been found on a window in a car-wash tunnel in Ewing, N.J.

Tom Nee, an Oak Lawn reader, regarding QT’s reporting on three asteroids in one week discovered as they traveled between Earth and the moon, writes:
“I think we all feel better when a large stone has passed.”
Finally, someone who understands astrophysics.

News Headline: “Naked caveman with a cell phone terrorizes Texans.”
There is probably an interesting story behind that.

From Poor QT’s Almanack:
On this day in history 79 years ago Albert Einstein arrived in the United States, and why we keep allowing all these so-called immigrants to traipse into this country, QT will never know.

QT Grammar R Us Seminar on the English Language:
Bill Laude, a Frankfort reader, writes:
“What is the figure of speech used when the talking heads of TV and radio personalize information by saying ‘Your temperature is. . . ‘ or ‘Your score is. . .’ and not just ‘The temperature is. . . ‘ and ‘The score is. . .’? It’s not my temperature or score.”
That would be your second-person narrative.
A group of ladybugs is a loveliness of ladybugs, by the way.
Write to QT at
QT appears Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Posted on October 17, 2012