By Maude Perkins
Well, well, well. A recent internal memo – almost immediately leaked to the media – suggests that the Head Bean of the Corporation is feeling wistful for the days of coffee yore. Ahhh, the days before the automatic espresso bars so concisely poured perfectly-timed sterile shots; before customers knew how to ask you to put one-and-a-half Splendas in their lattes for them, despite the fully-loaded condiment bar in their certain, unavoidable paths. Think further back yet, to a time when your baristas could don tattoos, facial piercings and even personalities. Scary, I know.
Head Bean is certainly correct in his desire to make our stores less sterile; less . . . like McDonald’s. Of course he doesn’t specifically say that in his memo. But why don’t we just call it what it is? Liquid McDonald’s. Exchange the focus on smiles and happiness with a focus on enrichment; commodified internationally, sans clown.
Posted on March 5, 2007