By Dan Simon
Living in Japan is a bit of an adjustment, especially for a baseball fan. When I moved here, I knew ahead of time that baseball was the unofficial official national sport. What I was unprepared for, however, was the intense loyalty of Japanese fandom to their star players.
If you have never been to Tokyo, a good way to picture it is to imagine being inside a giant pinball machine constantly playing the theme song from Super Mario Brothers 3. Trains, crowds, blinking lights, everyone chattering in a language you can’t understand; it’s a lot to absorb.
Knowing this, a friend mercifully took me out for dinner and drinks to ease the strain.
We went to a Japanese izakaya, which is a traditional Japanese drinking establishment marked by a red lantern next to the door. Although it was smoky and noisy, I felt relaxed.
We were unwinding over a plate of fried fish fins and tall Sapporos, when we were approached by a wobbly elderly gentleman.
The man, woozy from sake, pointed to my Cubby hat and said, “Cubs desu ne? (the Cubs eh?)”
Surprised, I replied in broken Japanese, “Hai, Cubs desu. Ichiban cremu desu (Yes, the Cubs. They are the number one team)” then, “Fukudome!”
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Posted on June 16, 2008