By The Beachwood Facebook Ethics Affairs Desk
Like many other media organizations, the Tribune Co. is grappling with ethical issues raised by the use of Facebook and other forms of social media by its employees, or, as the case may be, it’s “citizen contributors.” This anonymous, optional survey recently went out to all Triblocal workers and gives you an idea of what concerns the company has. (One can’t help but wonder if this, in part, is what prompted it.) But also note the question about discussing the Tribune in online forums; plans to hire more Triblocal reporters; and the question about whether reporters should also work as marketers.
This survey is designed to address specific ethics concerns about the print edition of Triblocal and Some of the survey questions are multiple choice and others require a brief essay. If you have additional comments please include them in the “Additional Comments on Triblocal Ethics” section at the conclusion of the Ethics Committee Survey.
A. Social Networking Web sites, including Facebook
I. Political Postings
Are political affiliations as broadcasted on Facebook more sensitive than any other affiliations on the site and others like it?
A. Yes
B. No
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Posted on December 8, 2008