Chicago - A message from the station manager

By The Goose Island Brewery & Friends

“Brewers John and Keith went to the South Side of Chicago to get honey for a Day of the Living Ales beer from Mr. Pronger, a local honey distributor.”
It took first place.
From BeerAdvocate:
“After a free rise fermentation with our Saison yeast strain, we add crushed white pepper, mashed fresh Michigan strawberries and Local Farmer’s market honey to create a dry, drinkable yet complex Saison variation.”

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Posted on March 10, 2011

City Needs New Policy For The New Maxwell Street Market: An Open Letter To Mayor-Elect Emanuel

By Steve Balkin

Dear Mayor-Elect Emanuel,
Congratulations on your election victory.
I write this letter because I hope you are sincere about making positive change for Chicago.
But if you want positive change for the city, you need to know that a world-class city is more than neatness, corporate headquarters’, and big-box stores. A world-class city also includes social harmony, quality conversations across race and class, and preservation of the historical fabric, authenticity, and vibrancy in public places.
I expect you know about this, having lived in Washington D.C., and having visited places such as New York City and Paris; Manny’s delicatessen and Valois cafeteria.
I want to suggest how some simple changes in public policy can make the city money, create businesses and jobs, and enhance the reputation of Chicago as a world-class city.

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Posted on March 9, 2011

The Beachwood Celebrity Death Watch

By The Beachwood Bookmaking Bureau

Odds of death in 2011 with attendant most likely cause.
Patrick Kane: 10-1. Outside the Viper Room with Miley Cyrus.
Eddie Vrdolyak: 50-1. Shanked at federal prison camp in Terre Haute, Indiana.
Ed Burke: 100-1. Shanked in city council anteroom just hours after Rahm takes his security detail away.
Richard M. Daley: 250-1. Fatal car accident. He hasn’t driven a car since 1989.
Richard M. Daley: 500-1. Multiple contusions and skull fractures from walking into a door. He hasn’t opened a door for himself since 1989.
Richard M.Daley: 500-1. Colon cancer. Hasn’t wiped his own ass since 1989.

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Posted on March 7, 2011

The Week in WTF

By David Rutter

1. For A Better Chicago, WTF?
If a political muscleman is what Chicago wanted, then Hizzoner-Elect is a rippling mass of striated sinew.
Secret donors embodied a PAC called For A Better Chicago are packing enough wallet wallop to easily make the new Rahm the same as the Old Daley. Control the aldermen, control the city. Money is control.

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Posted on March 4, 2011

Explaining Chicago’s Population Loss

By The Beachwood Migration Affairs Desk

The Census Bureau recently released data showing that Chicago’s population in the last decade fell to levels not seen since the 1920s. Why did so many people leave Chicago in the last 10 years? We think we know why.
* They saw Rahm Emanuel coming.
* They ran out of furniture to use for Dibs.
* They were offered more for their votes in the suburbs.
* Wanted to be closer to suburban meth labs.

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Posted on March 3, 2011

Chicagoetry: My Gods

By J.J. Tindall

My Gods

My Zeus and Hera reign
Atop the White Castle Tower,
A marvelous urban summit
Of light just south of Sears Tower.

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Posted on February 28, 2011

The Week in WTF

By David Rutter

1. Chicago Voters, WTF?
Sure, people in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia face off against bombs, paid assassins and machine guns just for a chance to determine the course of their daily lives. That freedom/democracy thing seems to excite most folks who don’t have it. But Chicago?
Nah, not so much.

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Posted on February 25, 2011

Indonesian Journal: Bulls, Beer and Mystery Sex Pt. 3

By Brett McNeil

Third of a three-part series.

Part One: The blood of the Madurese tastes like cow.
Part Two: If we like beer, maybe we’d like some women?

This is Indonesia writ small: Externally conservative but also wide open and available, especially behind closed doors. It’s corrupt and yet the corruption offers enough freedom of movement and wiggle room – rules meant to be broken, bribes that grease skids and line public servants’ pockets – that it works, for now, for enough of the country’s growing middle class and even the upper levels of the poor.
The rich already have their perks guarded and guaranteed by the government and police; it’s down here in the middle register, where the strictures of Muslim conservatism meet the licentiousness of street life and somehow meld, that the social and financial pressures of an expanding export and unmistakably import-consumerist economy are quietly, privately bled off.
I’m not saying that middle class Indonesians are all visiting massage parlors for rubdowns and quickies, or that they’re smuggling beer to dry towns and selling it for profit.
What I mean is that there’s enough slippage here built into the system – and it’s definitely a highly regimented, hierarchical, formalized system of government control of jobs and information and access to both, with millions of people either plugged into the system or trying desperately to get plugged in – that Indonesians are able to get what they want or need, more or less, regardless of what the rules say.

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Posted on February 24, 2011

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