Chicago - A message from the station manager

Our Summer Staycation

Enjoying Chicago Beachwood-Style

Making the best of it.
* Law & Disorder. The Blago trial will apparently run all summer. You may not get a seat in the courtroom, but hang out in the cafeteria and try to influence lunching jurors.
* Rough Justice. Better than Law & Order. Pick a murder trial; better – blog it.
* Gang Wars. Take a lawn chair to K Town and watch the action, just like the elite did during the Civil War. Make sure you wear the right colors for the side of the street you choose.
* Grant Park Softball Leagues. See those “fundamentals” that you always hear about but can’t see at Wrigley or The Cell.
* Play Flash Mob. Terrorize tourists on North Michigan Avenue by pretending to be a flash mob. Watch their relief when they realize your gun is a lighter.

* Ask A Genius. Visit the Apple Store’s Genius Bar and ask brain teasers such as the real value of pi and who created the universe. Remember, though, you need an appointment.
* Play Grand Theft iPhone. Hang out at the Taste of Chicago with a loosely secured smartphone and wait for roving bands of wilding youth to try to steal it.
* Dibs! Not just for winter anymore. Put together a decorative arrangement of your best plastic crates, brooms, and lawn furniture on the street. Entries will be judged. The most creative design wins a parking space in Rahm Emanuel’s garage.
* Ozzie Guillen Bingo. Each box is a variation of “If the White Sox want to fire me, that’s their decision.” You will need a fresh card for every week of the summer.
* The Groupon Grift. See how many businesses you and your pals can decimate over the summer by exploiting poorly conceived deals.
* Play in Chicago’s wading pools. The next time we have a good rainstorm, wait for the refuse to back up the sewer grates, put on your swimwear, and step off the curb at any city corner. Splash fight!

Jennifer Drackley, Steve Rhodes

Comments welcome.


Posted on June 23, 2011