Another Beachwood Special Report
“Bricks from Wrigley Field and old Comiskey Park will be permanently added to the exterior of Tribune Tower on North Michigan Avenue during a ceremony Friday,” the Tribune reports.
“All in all, it’s more than just another brick in the wall. The ballpark bricks will join 148 historically significant remnants installed in the Indiana limestone exterior of the building, including artifacts from all 50 states, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal and other famous structures throughout the world.”
The Beachwood has learned, though, that the following additional bricks are under consideration beyond the ballpark bricks:
* One brick each from all the schools Rahm has closed with the help of the Tribune editorial board.
* A brick of cocaine from the old Playboy headquarters.
* A brick of parking meter cash.
* A brick of Meigs Field rubble to honor the mayor the Tribune always supported but now blames for recklessness.
* A brick of the Beachwood Inn to represent the death of Old, Weird Chicago.
* A brick of Mary Schmich’s cheese.
* A brick of Chief Keef’s cheese.
* A brick from Billy Dec signed by Fall Out Boy and spit on by Billy Corgan.
* A brick from Al Capone’s vault.
* One of the bricks Rahm Emanuel has put on proposed legislation he doesn’t like, addressed to the city council’s rules committee.
* One of the bricks in Starlin Castro’s head.
* One of the bricks thrown at MLK during his 1966 visit to Chicago.
* A brick from a bag tied to a mope dumped in the Cal-Sag.
* A brick of undelivered mail.
* A brick of shredded City Hall documents.
Contributing: Mike Luce, Tim Willettte, J.J. Tindall, Steve Rhodes
Comments welcome.
Posted on August 12, 2015