Chicago - A message from the station manager

Cab #2858

Date: December 31, 2008
From: Lakeview
To: Roscoe Village
The Cab: In the waning hours of 2008, we are afforded a ride in the Cab of the Future. In addition to the standard digital fare meter, the dashboard also boasts a small LCD screen with live-action satellite navigation display. The radio seems less technologically advanced as we begin the ride with direct exposure to dangerous levels of broadcast-censored Guns ‘N’ Roses. A quick trip up the terrestrial dial sees us end the ride with direct exposure to dangerous levels of Rihanna. Is it too much to ask TCOTF for a little virtual jukebox action?

The Driver: Apparently in the Future, cabbies have learned a thing or two about customer service from their brethren in automobile sales. Meticulously well-groomed, impeccably attired, boasting a conspicuous yet tasteful cell phone ear bug and oozing just the right blend of polite approachability and respectful reserve.
The Driving: Apparently in the Future, no one’s in much of a rush. We’re all too busy enjoying our flashy gadgetry.
Overall rating: 4 extended arms
– Natasha Julius
There are more than 6,000 cabs in the city of Chicago. We intend to review every one of them.


Posted on January 6, 2009