By The Beachwood Holiday Messaging Desk
Culled from Texts From Last Night.
(513): You tried to wear your Jesus costume into Family Christian stores and say it was a book signing.
(252): I had sex with billy mayes last night. HE KEPT IN CHARACTER THE WHOLE TIME.
(256): we were dressed as cave people and he kept telling everybody i was so easy a caveman could do it.
(413): Hey its bob the builder. Where did you go?
(415): I have before 2 am pics and after 2am pics, which do you want to see first?
(949): so we told my parents we were going trick or treating. got high as shit at some playground. and then bought our own candy so we looked legit when we got home.
(571): Ended up passed out drunk in the neighbors lawn, still in costume. Neighbors thought I was a lawn decoration. Ten points for best Halloween ever.
(708): she asked if she could keep her bee antennas on during her mugshot. i love halloween.
(860): You were so drunk that some guy dressed as Harry Potter pointed his wand at you and screamed “Accio SHITSHOW”
(319): then they high fived as they party boyed me. I was a policewoman sandwhich. I love you halloween.
(401): im keeping my plan b box as a souvenir of my first halloween weekend in college
(202): i just watched kanye west and taylor swift have a chugging contest. why cant halloween be every day
(626): Waldo just asked us for directions. Even he doesn’t know where he is.
(440): so i walked in, looked up the stairs and all i saw was smashed pumpkin, tube socks, and marinara sauce
(309): I put the beer in my little red riding hood basket.
(919): Calvin and Hobbes are double-teaming a butterfly. They’re in the bathroom, and drawing a crowd.
(719): I woke up with ten beers in my bag that hoarded at the party last night. Rally? Its five somewhere.
Posted on November 3, 2009