By Steve Rhodes
1. Isn’t it funny how all these guys keep getting in trouble for helping the mayor without the mayor’s knowledge? It’s like an entire shadow government has been operating right under his nose!
2. The Sun-Times is once again passive about attaching Daley’s directly to a scandal, in this case the indictment of his former streets and san commissioner who also happened to run the Southeast Side branch of the mayor’s chief patronage army, the Hispanic Democratic Organization. The paper’s front page focuses on the least of the indictment – rewards to workers who mowed Al Sanchez’s lawn – and the editorial page boldly proclaims “Political-Hiring Watchdogs Still Have Work Cut Out” rather than, say, maybe the mayor having work cut out. Sometimes Teflon is applied, not worn.
3. “Incredibly,” the Sun-Times‘s editorial board states, “the city still doesn’t admit that it violated Shakman.”
Incredibly, the mayor still doesn’t admit that he violated Shakman.
Posted on March 23, 2007