By The 7th-Graders Of Polaris Charter Academy
“This is a video created for Indiegogo as a way to help fund our school’s 7th-grade project.
“In this book, students will write biographical sketches that inform our community of the inspiring work they do to change the culture of our community. In addition, students want to study the art of portrait photography. A beautiful, professional portrait will accompany the experts’ biographical sketches. As poets, students will include their own peace poetry and portraits – as a symbol of our united effort to improve the culture of our community and bring peace to our streets. Copies of our book will be donated to Chicago Public Libraries, and other organizations and classrooms that promote peace in our great city.
“Your generous donation will help provide: production and distribution of our PSA, stipends for experts, computer and software, cameras to learn photography, professional publishing of our book, and transportation costs.”
Comments welcome.
Posted on March 11, 2013