Chicago - A message from the station manager

Reviewed: Newspaper Comic Strips

By lrst94

Back in the day, that was a kid’s only form of entertainment . . . now it’s a dying medium . . . You always wonder, how did these guys get noticed? ‘Cause they suck . . . These strips are pretty weird. Like Garfield? Why did the owner feed him lasagna? . . . And Beetle Bailey? How did he get in the Army? He’s retarded as hell . . . and Hagar the Horrible? He’s a Viking, he’s kind of a criminal, and yet we have to love this guy? And Dick Tracy, he chases weird villains with a little radio watch. You wonder how much they pay these guys to make these . . .

See also: lrst94’s YouTube page.

Comments welcome.


Posted on October 7, 2013