Chicago - A message from the station manager

Ray Bradbury’s 2009 Commencement Speech at Columbia College

Be Who You Want To Be. Love What You Love.

“Martians, robots, dinosaurs, mummies, ghosts, time machines, rocket ships, carnival magicians, alarming doppelgangers who forecast murder and doom – the sort of sensational subjects that fascinate children are the stuff of Ray Bradbury’s fiction,” Michiko Kakutani wrote for the New York Times this week after the author’s death.
“Over a 70-year career, he used his fecund storytelling talents to fashion tales that have captivated legions of young people and inspired a host of imitators. His work informed the imagination of writers and filmmakers like Stephen King, Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, and helped transport science fiction out of the pulp magazine ghetto and into the mainstream.”
In 2009, Columbia College awarded Bradbury with an honorary degree at its commencement ceremony. Bradbury was introduced by authorized biographer and faculty member Sam Weller before appearing via satellite from Los Angeles:

Comments welcome.


Posted on June 8, 2012