Chicago - A message from the station manager

Rahm Emanuel vs. Michael Hastings

Reporter Alleges Mayor Physically Threatened Him

“Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel allegedly grabbed a reporter by the arm in order to communicate ‘a threat of physical violence’ in the course of an interview that went south during the presidential campaign,” PressTV reports.

“I’ve never experienced anything like this in my career from an American public official,” Buzzfeed’s Michael Hastings, author of Panic 2012: The Sublime and Terrifying Inside Story of Barack Obama’s Final Campaign, said on Current TV.

Here’s the video:

Hastings was the author of a Rolling Stone article that resulted in President Obama firing McChrystal.
Emanuel apparently feared that he, too, could suffer consequences from remarks he made in public and on tape.
We’ll update this post later with relevant excerpts from Hastings’ book once we’ve had the chance to review it.

Comments welcome.


Posted on January 18, 2013