By Sourcebooks
Ravina Thakkar, an eighth-grader at Heritage Grove Middle School in Plainfield, loves to dance, listen to music and write stories. She excels in school and has dreamt of being a published author someday. And now that someday is here, thanks to the help and dedication of her social worker, her wish granters at Make-A-Wish Illinois, and Naperville-based book publisher Sourcebooks.
Ravina has cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening medical condition affecting both her lungs and digestive system. Ravina’s disease has not defined her, and more importantly, has not stopped her from pursuing her dreams. She was 11 when she won first place in the 2011 Plainfield Great Read writing contest for her short story, “A Magical Thing.” Referred to Make-A-Wish Illinois by her hospital social worker, she was then connected with Sourcebooks, and in the two years since, Ravina and her family have seen her dream become a reality.
Posted on October 31, 2013