By Steve Rhodes
I hate the cliche of starting a story with a dictionary definition, but in this case I’m going to do it because “scathing” is the Word of the Moment:
Witheringly scornful; severely critical.
“She launched a scathing attack on the governor.”
Synonyms: devastating, extremely critical, blistering, searing, withering, scorching, fierce, ferocious, savage, severe, stinging, biting, cutting, mordant, trenchant, virulent, caustic, vitriolic, scornful, sharp, bitter, harsh, unsparing; raremordacious.
Oh please let’s start using raremordacious, I’m begging you all!
And why are we honoring this word today? Because it is the adjective used so abundantly in describing the Department of Justice’s “pattern and practice” report on the Chicago Police Department. To wit:
Posted on January 18, 2017