Chicago - A message from the station manager

A Trademark Checklist

By the Beachwood Language Affairs Desk

“This Trademark Checklist is a handy guide to some of the best known federally registered U.S. trademarks. This list is a sample of the International Trademark Association’s (INTA) list of nearly 3,000 trademarks and service marks with their generic terms.”
747 airplanes and structural parts thereof
Absolut vodka
Academy Awards annual award program
Ajax soap and household cleaner
Atkins Diet food supplements
Balderdash word and board games
Band-Aid adhesive bandages
Black Hawk military helicopter
Blistex medicated lip ointment
Bon Bons ice cream
Books On Tape pre-recorded audio cassette tapes
BOTOX injections for pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes
Brita water filtering units
Bubble Wrap cellular cushioning packaging material
Budget renting and leasing of motor vehicles
Butterball poultry

Craftmatic electric adjustable bed
Diet Coke soft drink
Doc Martens footwear
Dockers clothing, footwear, accessories
Dogpile online search engine
Dreamweaver computer software
Duraflame artificial fireplace logs
eBay online auction services
Egg Beaters egg substitute
Electrolux vacuum cleaners and parts
Express Mail delivery services by mail
E-Z-Pass collection of tolls using an electronic system
Febreze fabric deodorizer
Filofax loose-leaf diaries and agenda books
Frigidaire appliances
Frisbee toy flying saucer
Gardenburger vegetable-based meat substitutes
Glow Stick toy lightsticks
Glucometer blood glucose meters & reagents
iTunes audio data computer software
Jaws of Life rescue tools
Jeep all-terrain vehicles
Kleenex tissues, napkins
Laundromat electric laundry washers
Lycra spandex fibers
Mach3 razors, razor blades
MapQuest online access to geographic information
McAfee computer virus software
MetaCrawler online search engine
Metallica entertainment services, clothing, stickers
MetroCard magnetically coded metro fare cards
NASCAR National Association for Stock Car Autoracing, Inc.
Netflix video rental and retail services
Nexis data storage and retrieval
Outlook computer programs
Palm personal and handheld computers
Phish Food ice cream
Photoshop computer software
Ping-Pong game played with rackets and balls
Pixar entertainment services in the field of film and television
Plasticine modeling paste
Play-Doh modeling compound
Realtor member of the National Association of Realtors
Red Cross charitable fundraising blood banks
Red Hots candy
Retin A acne preparations
Ritalin stimulant (methylphenidate)
Rite Aid retail drug stores services
Sheetrock plaster wall board
Silly Putty modeling clay
Spark Notes study guides in the field of literature
Spinning stationary bicycle training and instruction
Sterno solid fuel
Tae Bo instructional teaching services for aerobics & martial arts
Taser non-lethal firearm
Teflon fluorine-containing resins, coatings
Telecopier fax machines
Thermos bottles, jars, decanters, flasks
TiVo subscription television broadcasting services
TLC cable television network broadcasting services
U-Haul truck and automobile trailer rentals
VirusScan computer programs for data integrity and security
WebCrawler online search engine
Wite-Out correction fluid
Xbox video game system


Posted on May 31, 2006