Chicago - A message from the station manager

Ab-Doer Xtreme

I’ll buy one today, just in case I look like that.
What it Is: An ab workout machine and instructional DVD, guidebook, Web guide, etc.
Cost: The spot claims a full, free trial, complete with free shipping.
Quote: “Commit to becoming a ‘doer!”

Shills: Creator John Abdo and pretty-ish foil Shannon Engemann. Former Mr. USA Aaron Baker
Set and Costumes: In a gym, ’round the Ab-Doer Xtreme, of course. Shannon wears a little black top knotted below the breasts, and John wears a ridiculous, futuristic vest type deal.
Gimmick: Footage and anatomical diagrams clearly show that the Ab-Doer’s side-to-side “bob, bend, wiggle” motion is supposed to be less stressful than other workout activities, “and all in a comfortable, seated position.”
Musical interlude: A soul-type singer growling, “Rrreally makes me feel good!”
Workout Math: “The Ab-Doer Xtreme targets all four sides of your waist at the same time, so you have four times the fat-burning movement!”
Appeal to Spartans: In a wide shot, hundreds and hundreds of people work out in what appears to be a desert. Later in the spot, we return to the desert, where a group of hot motorcycle chicks do a synchronized dance of seduction in front of their Ab-Doers before exercising in unison.
Appeal to Fatties: John tells us about his own weight problem, sharing an old photo (see above) from when he looked even more like Tony Danza’s mutant brother. He claims working out also helped him overcome depression.
Evaluation: If there’s any chance I look like that, I’ll take John up on this tonight. Right after this bucket of ice cream.
Rating: 3
– Scott Gordon


Posted on April 20, 2007