Chicago - A message from the station manager

Troy Davis: Moment Of Silence In Daley Plaza

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6 p.m. Wednesday.

“Strapped to a gurney in Georgia’s death chamber, Troy Davis lifted his head and declared one last time that he did not kill police officer Mark MacPhail,” AP reports. “Just a few feet away behind a glass window, MacPhail’s son and brother watched in silence.
“Outside the prison, a crowd of more than 500 demonstrators cried, hugged, prayed and held candles. They represented hundreds of thousands of supporters worldwide who took up the anti-death penalty cause as Davis’ final days ticked away.
“‘I am innocent,’ Davis said moments before he was executed Wednesday night. ‘All I can ask . . . is that you look deeper into this case so that you really can finally see the truth. I ask my family and friends to continue to fight this fight.'”

Comments welcome.


Posted on September 22, 2011