Chicago - A message from the station manager

Things The Blago Jury Does Agree On

By The Beachwood Jury Room Affairs Desk

* Patti is guilty on all counts.
* These pretzels are making us thirsty.
* Transcripts schmanscripts! Let’s say we want 100 gold bars.
* Having the race car is better than having the iron or the little scotty dog when playing Monopoly.
* We’ve got this verdict and it’s frickin’ golden. We’re not gonna just give it away for nothing.

* America actually does run on Dunkin’.
* The wrong Blagojevich brother was elected governor.
* Could you repeat the jury instructions?
* It doesn’t seem right that the judge made us all buy his book.
* It doesn’t seem right that the judge made us all read his book.
* Juror No. 5 smells something fierce.
* This has been so much fun that we might as well have a retrial.

Contributing: Drew Adamek, Scott Buckner, Steve Rhodes

See also:
* Inside The Blago Jury Room

Comments welcome.


Posted on August 16, 2010