Chicago - A message from the station manager

Cab #6091

Date: January 1, 2009
From: Roscoe Village
To: Wrigleyville
The Cab: The new year begins with a throw-back cab from an era free from burglar shields, electric locks and middle seat belts. The front seats seem oddly flat and there’s an external spotlight on the driver’s side, almost as though this were a retired squad car picked up at a police auction. Is that even a possibility? Overall comfortable if plagued with a specific yet indescribable funkiness. Wet-socky, or perhaps old-basementy.

The Driver: Affable, easy-going, happy to take suggested alternate routes. Chatty, but in a slightly disengaged way, sort of like the interactions between a veteran bartender at the local watering hole and an unfamiliar new customer. Only it’s not exactly clear in this scenario which party is ordering the whiskeys and which one is pouring them.
The Driving: Herky. Jerky. Sort of a combination between Dropped Object and Restless Leg Syndrome. This style might’ve passed for pothole avoidance measures if he hadn’t been hitting them like Pac-Man feasting on pixillated dots. Oh wait, that’s the funk . . . sweaty-arcade-game-joy-sticky!
Overall rating: 3 extended arms
– Natasha Julius
There are more than 6,000 cabs in the city of Chicago. We intend to review every one of them.


Posted on January 7, 2009