Chicago - A message from the station manager


The Beachwood Reporter is an international news-gathering operation dedicated to the proposition that journalism and rock and roll done right are inextricably linked; that truth and comedy are two sides of different coins that, when rubbed together properly, can mutate into a slug that will efficiently disable a parking meter; and that while bad news travels fast, our news travels even faster.
Others simply call us the world’s wittiest Chicago-centric news and culture review.
Employment at The Beachwood Reporter is encouraged. Our salaries are non-competitive and benefits non-existent, but you will always get the day after Thanksgiving off. Plus, we have a great soundtrack.
Advertising is highly encouraged. Please contact Steve Rhodes for information about our imaginative sponsorship packages and good old-fashioned ad rates. Legacy Media Kit here.
Rights & permissions & copyrights & trademarks and all that good stuff are things we can talk about if you really think it’s necessary.
Other questions? Again, contact Editor, Publisher & Founder Steve Rhodes.
Wanna help? This site desperately needs an overhaul. Tech and business partners particularly wanted. Contact Steve Rhodes.
Who is Steve Rhodes? He wants to know, too. But for now . . .


Posted on February 25, 2006