Chicago - A message from the station manager

Exclusive! Inside The USS Illinois

Another Beachwood Special Report

First Lady Michelle Obama and Gov. Bruce Rauner were on hand in Connecticut over the weekend for the christening of the USS Illinois.
“The $2.7 billion vessel is the 13th in the Virginia class of submarines, which can carry out a range of missions including anti-submarine warfare, delivery of special forces and surveillance. The 377-foot submarine will carry a crew of more than 130 and a payload of weapons including torpedoes and Tomahawk missiles,” AP reports.
“The crest of the submarine features an outline of the state of Illinois, a white-tailed deer in honor of the state animal and foliage representing Illinois forest and prairie life. It also has a banner with the Latin words ‘Nemo Magis Fortiter,’ or ‘none more brave,’ a line from the Illinois state song.”
Those aren’t the only Illinois touches. A Beachwood investigation has found the sub has a few other features particular to its Illinois lineage:

* Moody’s has already rated it junk.
* At Rauner’s insistence, swabbies are non-union and the mess is a right-to-work zone.
* Michael Madigan controls a supermajority of the sub’s sailors.
* The Hunt for Budget October already in development.
* Built by Caterpillar, financed by Amalgamated, mobbed up by the Grand Avenue crew, and prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney.
* Huge Ditka mustache on the front.
* The ship’s brig is called Club Fed.
* Janitors provided by Aramark.
* Accommodates both Seals and Jesse White’s Tumblers.
* Only restaurant onboard is the Park Grill.
* Chain of command must present credentials to Cook County slating committee every four years.
* Project used a lot of asphalt, for some reason.
* Better than USS Indiana but not nearly as good as USS Minnesota.
* Unable to dock at Navy Pier due to typical governmental lack of foresight.
* Rod Blagojevich on KP duty.
* Gambling on international waters subject to Chicago amusement tax.
* All Emergency Action Messages will go through Sneed.
* Innovative sonar will detect the presence of an FBI surveillance wire.

Comments welcome.


Posted on October 12, 2015