Narrated By Kim Holmes, Produced By Greg Boozell
“We Were Not Ladies. We Were Women tells the story of 1930s labor leader Agnes Burns Wieck and her role in the Illinois Mine War.
“The 1930’s was a tumultuous time for workers and Illinois was no exception. Illinois miners were deeply divided in a bloody conflict which lasted for years, later to be known as the Illinois Mine War. Instigated by John L. Lewis, the controversial president of the United Mine Workers of America, the mine war involved rival unions, coal companies, the state militia, and even former Governor Henry Horner.
“Through her leadership, Agnes Burns Wieck forged a new role for women in the labor movement and confronted John L. Lewis face-to-face to challenge the violence in the Illinois coal fields.
“The documentary features interviews with historians, first-person accounts, and reenacted performances to tell Agnes’ remarkable story.”
See also:
* The Southern: WSIU Radio Presents Broadcast Premiere Of Documentary.
* Sixteen Tons Of Dark Downstate History.
Comments welcome.
Posted on September 28, 2015