Chicago - A message from the station manager

Kenneth Copeland Loses Gig

Voice Of Victory Unwins

“The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), a worldwide television network that for years has aired a number of controversial prosperity preachers, says that as part of its ‘new vision’ and changes to the lineup, it will no longer air Word of Faith teacher Kenneth Copeland, whose Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast had been a part of TBN for 40 years,” Christian News reports.
“Airing in Copeland’s stead will be Steven Furtick, a hipster megachurch preacher who reportedly lives a lavish lifestyle and often preaches man-centered sermons.”
Here’s all you need to know:

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Posted on August 27, 2020

Build Back What?

By Jonathan Pie, TV Reporter!

Almost as bad as “I’m With Her.” Bollocks! Build Back Bollocks! It’s happening again, isn’t it? I’m not sure I can do four more years.

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Posted on August 24, 2020

THE Glenn Beck

By David Rutter

News note: “Hall of Fame Indicts Glenn Beck.”
Wait! Hold on. I misread that. It’s “Hall of Fame INDUCTS Glenn Beck.”
That does not seem real, does it? Do you mean THE Glenn Beck?
Why, yes. Yes, I do mean THE Glenn Beck, the white-haired reptile human impersonator.
My confusion was reinforced partly because I did not realize at first that’s not a real Hall of Fame.
This is the Chicago-based Radio Hall of Fame which is the Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight.

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Posted on August 20, 2020

To Understand The Misogynistic Veepstakes Backlash, Watch TV

By Karrin Vasby Anderson/The Conversation

Joe Biden’s promise to name a woman running mate has prompted familiar debates about gender and power.
Are these potential vice presidents supposed to be presidential lackeys or understudies to the leader of the free world? Should they actively seek the position, or be reluctant nominees bound by duty?
After Senator Kamala Harris’s name emerged as a short-list favorite, CNBC reported that some Biden allies and donors “initiated a campaign against Harris,” arguing that she was “too ambitious” and would be “solely focused on eventually becoming president.”
Claiming that people who want to be president make bad vice presidents might seem ill-conceived if your audience is Vice President Joe Biden. And pundits and journalists quickly pointed out that the argument was racist and sexist – like, really, really sexist.

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Posted on August 8, 2020

Chicago Smash Help Set Team Tennis Viewership Record

By World TeamTennis

CBS’s live airing of Sunday’s 2020 World TeamTennis championship, in which the New York Empire defeated the Chicago Smash on the last point of the super-tiebreaker 21-20, delivered 556,000 viewers, making it the most watched in the league’s 45-year history.
The victory by the New York Empire earned them the King Trophy and $500,000 in prize money and marked the first time that the WTT’s Finals have aired live on network television. During the event’s “super-tiebreaker” that determined the 2020 Champion viewership peaked at 1.128 million viewers.

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Posted on August 5, 2020