The Threat? New Lethal Viruses
Editor’s Note: Steve Eckardt, who owns the home I moved into two months ago, dropped this on my “desk” the other day and I was gobsmacked. He wrote it circa 1994 and published it in an obscure corner of the Internet where it is no longer to be found, at least in this form. I’d like to say the prescience is remarkable, but it turns out we were warned over and over that this was on the horizon.
Still, the themes struck here are so eerily familiar – warnings that the viruses under discussion are not simply like flus; the role of social interdependence in their deadly spread; the likelihood of originating from zoonotic transfer – that I thought Eckardt was pranking me; is this how he’s been spending his time during the lockdown, I thought?
I’ve done the slightest bit of editing – adding a few commas here and there – but otherwise I’ve tried to leave it in its original form just for the sake of it. I’d say “enjoy,” but instead you may find yourself weeping in a corner by the time you get to the end. Oh well!
By Steve Eckardt
If the four riders of the Apocalypse came spinning out of the turn at Arlington right now, Pestilence would be leading the field. Welcome to the new world of new, lethal viruses – pathogens of such unprecedented virulence that they are poised to wipe out all human life.
This is not a fantasy world, or even just a possible world. A simple review of the scientific literature on the subject will tell you that this is our world. (The best synopsis is an October 26, 1992 New Yorker article by Richard Preston, upon which much of this piece is based. Preston’s work is in the process of being released as a Random House paperback entitled The Hot Zone.
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Posted on April 23, 2020