By The National Center for Public Policy Research
Boeing Chairman and CEO W. James McNerney, Jr. was asked Monday to make any e-mails between Chicago-based Boeing and the U.S. State Department during the time State helped Boeing secure a Russian contract and Boeing made a contribution to the Clinton Foundation available for inspection.
The request came from a representative of the National Center for Public Policy Research, Boeing shareholder and National Center Executive Director David Almasi.
Between the shareholder meeting Monday and last year’s meeting, Boeing went to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to fight a shareholder proposal submitted by the National Center for Public Policy Research on Almasi’s behalf asking the company for more transparency in reporting its methodology for making charitable donations. Boeing was successful in getting the SEC to agree, in January 2015, that it would not require Boeing to place the proposal before shareholders for a vote.
Posted on April 29, 2015