By Mark McDermott
An Oktoberfest beer from the revived Chicago brand Baderbräu.
Posted on October 8, 2013
By Mark McDermott
An Oktoberfest beer from the revived Chicago brand Baderbräu.
Posted on October 8, 2013
Burger King, Hardee’s Bring Up Rear
1. That’s Why They Are “Mc” Nuggets.
“Scientists took a close look at the chicken nugget and discovered what some may have suspected: it’s not full of what we might think of as meat,” CBS reports.
“A study published online in September in the American Journal of Medicine – cleverly titled ‘The Autopsy of Chicken Nuggets Reads Chicken Little‘ – revealed that two nuggets from fast food chains in Jackson, Miss. contained only about half of what we would consider chicken meat.”
Frankly, we don’t care. Chicken McNuggets could be made from fiberglass and styrofoam and we’d still eat ’em – as long as they still tasted so spectacular with fake barbecue dipping sauce. When you eat at McDonald’s, you know what you’re getting into. The “Mc” is additional notice that what you’re eating isn’t real, like an alternate version of “ish.” Even the hamburgers at McDonald’s, we suspect, are merely hamburger-ish. So what. Eating “real” hamburger and chicken already puts you over a line from which there is no return – you are eating the wings, buttocks, breasts and thighs of what were once actual living creatures, for godsakes. Why should it freak anyone out that your nuggets include blood vessels and nerve cells? How could they not?
Posted on October 7, 2013