By Jim Coffman
When the Cubs needed a big hit over the weekend, Anthony Rizzo came through. A two-run homer on Saturday put the squad up for good in an eventual 3-2 victory and his ground single through the right side on Sunday drove in the first run on the way to a 3-0 win.
But he also showed us a new way to loaf. Okay, so it wasn’t really loafing but it was definitely evidence of casual disease. What else to call that annoying little eighth-inning sequence on Sunday when Rizzo declined to stretch for a throw from Darwin Barney on a close play at first? It must also be mentioned that he had a partner in crime (theft of an out from pitcher Travis Wood).
Umpire Paul Schrieber called the Astros’ Brian Bixler safe (almost certainly in an instance of “I’ll show you, you overconfident little whipper-snapper”) despite the fact that he was a half-step short.
Posted on July 2, 2012