By Steve Rhodes
Behind every good Chicago Mob Wife is a monster who did horrible deeds. We’ll let VH-1 describe the wife and we’ll describe the monster.
RENEE FECAROTTA RUSSO: Renee is a strong independent businesswoman who was raised by her uncle, “Big John” Fecarotta, following the death of her father. An alleged loan collector and hit man for The Outfit, Fecarotta was Renee’s mentor and best friend until being gunned down by fellow mobster Nick Calabrese. Fiercely loyal to his memory, Renee still abides by the “code”: never associate with rats . . . take it to the grave.
BIG JOHN FECAROTTA: Renee’s mentor and best friend knows something about graves – he was a suspect in at least two murders before biting the dust himself. “He was gunned down while being chased by at least two men through an alley on the Northwest Side,” according to Illinois Police and Sheriff’s News.
Posted on March 27, 2012