By The Beachwood CSI: Chicago Code Affairs Bureau
* Drink every time someone in your viewing party says this is no Shield.
* Drink every time someone in your viewing party says this is no Wire.
* Do a shot every time someone in your viewing party says this is no My Boys.
* Drink every time someone in your viewing party complains in a whiny voice that “That would never happen here.”
* Drink every time someone in your viewing party refers to the boss hog with the big nuts.
* Drink every time someone in your party references “The Night Chicago Died.” (Drink twice if they cite the lyric about the old East Side.)
* Drink every time someone in your viewing party references Flashdance or Crocodile Dundee.
* Drinks on me if the season-ending episode reveals who hired Angelo Torres.
Posted on February 24, 2011