Chicago - A message from the station manager

The Chicago Way Network

By The Beachwood Niche TV Affairs Desk

Forget OWN, here comes CWN.
I’m a Committeeman, Get Me Out of Here!: Stranded at the Board of Elections all night, some contestants will be forced to eat ballots.
CSI: Bridgeport: A crack team of analysts dissect political deaths emanating from this region.
Who Wants to Be a Porch Inspector?: All the more dramatic because contestants don’t have to even show up for the competition to win.
Everybody Loves Huberman: Or do they? Watch and find out!
Last Alderman Standing: Contestants brave wiretaps, political recriminations, union organizing and constituent fatigue to see which can hold on to their job the longest.
Parks and Recreation: Airs only in white neighborhoods.

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Posted on August 10, 2010

We Hate My Boys Too

By Nikki and Andrew Golden

My Boys, how we hate thee, let us count the ways . . .
Since we missed the first show of the season, you’ll have to forgive us if we stick to reasons we hated last night’s episode.
1. Bobby’s hair.
Is it a comb-over? A bad dye job? Maybe both? Whatever the issue, it was distracting every time he was in a scene.
2. Mike.
Each show, he becomes a bigger and bigger douchebag. As it was his birthday – is he 35? Is he 40? Or was it, gasp, 43! – he was particularly irritating. Plus, how the hell did this random group get together again? We thought Mike was a college friend.
3. Bobby’s family has its assets seized.
I’ve never lost my fortune nor invested it with a crook, but I’m going to guess that if you lose all your money in a Ponzi scheme, the Feds don’t really come over and kick you in the nuts by taking all your shit. Isn’t that the bank’s job? Unless Bobby’s family was in on the scheme, why were they sending over a Fed and a policewoman?
Editor’s Note: And then they pulled that hilarious classic gag of having a character surmise the policewoman as a birthday party stripper. Way to earn your paycheck, writers!
And how were those two going to take everything? And why wasn’t Bobby more upset? Which brings us to No. 4.

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Posted on August 4, 2010