By Steve Rhodes
On the occasion of his death; relevant excerpts from and for the record. Links added for clarification and background.
Book: American Pharaoh
Authors: Adam Cohen and Elizabeth Taylor
Excerpt: “Before [Martin Luther] King’s Chicago Campaign was over, Dan Rostenkowski would suggest to presidential aide Lawrence O’Brien that the White House find an assignment that would take his friend Daley ‘out of the country for a week or two.’ Rostenkowski was ‘most concerned,’ he told O’Brien, about the toll the civil rights campaign in Chicago was having ‘on the mayor personally.'”
Book: Fire on the Prairie
Author: Gary Rivlin
Excerpts: “For a time after Daley’s death Rostenkowski was Chicago’s top political figure nationally. ‘A case study of the dangers of getting in over your head,’ the Washington Monthly wrote when ranking Rostenkowski among the country’s six worst congressman based on the views of fellow congressmen, lobbyists, staffers, reporters, and others. ‘Hogs get slaughtered but pigs get fat,’ he explained to a New York Times reporter.
“Yet the local media treated him with an affection and respect that bordered on reverential.”
Posted on August 11, 2010