By Marty Gangler
I guess the biggest question you have to ask yourself this week is:
What kind of baseball do you play?
No, really, what kind of baseball do you play?
If you were under a rock this week, this is what good ol’ Uncle Lou asked a reporter who had the audacity to ask Lou why he didn’t bunt in a tight ballgame. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what possible answer someone could come up with ever since.
Do you play small ball? Long ball? Bean ball? Moneyball? A cross between small and long ball – let’s call it medium to long ball, or maybe if you sway the other way it would be small to medium ball. What about small moneyball? Do the Royals play small moneyball, or just bad ball? Because the answer for most people would be, no ball. Because who actually plays baseball anymore? I know I haven’t played a game of real baseball since I was like 13 and I wasn’t very good. So my answer would be none to horrible baseball. And wouldn’t that be like most other reporters also? So I guess the answer would be: That is kind of a stupid question, Lou.
Posted on May 4, 2010