By Citizen Kate
The Beachwood is hitting the campaign trail this summer with Citizen Kate.
“Politics are pretty complicated. So I’ve elected myself to uncover the process, and make it easy for regular people, like me, to understand,” Kate says. “I’ve already spoken with John Edwards, Chris Dodd, and Abraham Lincoln. Yeah. I thought he was dead too.
“I’ll cover the Republicans, Democrats, and even Al Gore if he runs last minute. You’ll also get to find out how a first time voter, like me, will vote. Everyone should vote. It’s all about your voice being heard, and influencing the decisions made by great leaders.
“There are so many party choices: Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Labor, Light, Moderate, Natural, Prohibition, Reform, Socialist, Socialist Equality, Socialist Labor, Socialist Workers, U.S. Marijuana, Peace and Freedom, and more. This is gonna be tough!”
From the Trail: Obama & Me
Posted on June 30, 2008